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Whatsup components use regular functions for stateless components and generators for stateful components.

Each component is an atom of a reactive system, automatically keeping track of its dependencies and applying changes in the most evvective way.

Your first stateless component

import { render } from 'whatsup/jsx'

function App() {
return <div>Hello World</div>

render(<App />)

Yes, we can render without a container, directly to the body

Your first stateful component

import { render } from 'whatsup/jsx'

function* App() {
const counter = observable(0)
const handleClick = () => counter(counter() + 1)

while (true) {
yield (
<p>You click {counter()} times</p>
<button onClick={handleClick}>Click me</button>

render(<App />)

Yes, we use generators to store local state