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Mounting callbacks

Single element

You can always access DOM elements after mounting them using the onMount and onUnmount properties.

function* App() {
const onMount = (el) => el as HTMLDivElement
const onUnmount = (el) => el as HTMLDivElement

while (true) {
yield (
<div onMount={onMount} onUnmount={onUnmount}>
Hello world

Multiple elements

If the component returns a fragment or an array of components, then using the onMount and onUnmount properties you will get a list of rendered DOM elements.

function List() {
return (

function* App() {
const onMount = (el) => el as HTMLDivElement[] // Array of <div /> elements
const onUnmount = (el) => el as HTMLDivElement[]

while (true) {
yield <List onMount={onMount} onUnmount={onUnmount} />