Event system
The context provides the ability to exchange messages that bubble up from child elements to parent elements.
Define event
Events are created by inheriting from the special class Event
import { Event } from 'whatsup/jsx'
class ToggleThemeEvent extends Event {}
Define event listener
Listeners are bound to events using constructors.
function* Parent(this: Context) {
const theme = observable('dark')
const handleToggleTheme = (e: ToggleThemeEvent) => {
theme(theme() === 'dark' ? 'light' : 'dark')
this.on(ToggleThemeEvent, handleToggleTheme)
while (true) {
yield <Child />
Dispatch event
Events are dispatched using the dispatch
function Child(this: Context) {
const onClick = () => {
const event = new ToggleThemeEvent()
return <button onClick={onClick}>Toggle theme</button>
Removing a listener
Removing a specific listener
this.off(ToggleThemeEvent, handleToggleTheme)
Removing all listeners
Stop propagation
To stop event propagation, there are stopPropagation
and stop stopImmediatePropagation