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Creates a derived field. Accepts a function or generator as an argument.

Simple computed field

import { computed, autorun } from 'whatsup'

const firstName = observable('John')
const lastName = observale('Lennon')

const fullName = computed(() => `${firstName()} ${lastName()}`)

autorun(() => console.log(fullName))
//> 'John Lennon'

//> 'Barry Lennon'

Computed based on generator

The generator allows you to create a computed field with its own internal state and the try catch finally construction allows you to handle errors and execute the code when there are no subscribers left.

import { computed, autorun } from 'whatsup'

const timer = computed(function* () {
const counter = observable(0)
const timerId = setInterval(() => counter(counter() + 1), 1000)

try {
while (true) {
yield counter()
} finally {
console.log('Timer stopped')

const dispose = autorun(() => console.log(timer()))
//> 0
//> 1
//> 2

//> 'Timer stopped'